Spring Boot, Micro Services Course Overview
Attend Spring Boot Training by Expert. Spring Boot is a powerful framework, used to build web applications quickly with less code. The Course will cover how to use Spring Boot to build the various projects with knowledge.
Pre-Requisites of the course
- Java programming language
- Web Development Experience HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Spring Boot, Micro Services Training Contnet
Introduction to spring boot
- Types of software architectures
- SOA and Monolith Architecture
- Why Microservices
- Detailed MicroService Architecture
– App Layer
– Business Layer - Enteprise Layer
– Infra Layer - Need of Spring Boot
- Difference between Spring & Spring Boot
- Advantages with Micro Services
Building Spring Boot Application
- Normal Spring Manual Approach
- Maven Overview
- Spring Initializer
- Eclipse with STS Plugin
- Understanding the Spring Boot auto configuration
Rest Annotation with In Memory Database & CRUD Operations
- H2
- Derby
- Redis Cache
- PostMan or Swagger Overview
Rest Annotation with Relation DB
- MySql
- PostGresSQL
JPA Repository Concepts
- Crud Repository
- JPA Query Concepts
- NamedQueries
- QueryAnnotation
- AsyncResults
- Pagination and Sorting
Actuator Concepts
- Production Monitoring
- Health Check Concepts
- Security Measurements
Spring Boot Custom Logging
- Logging Level
- Patterns Changes
- Rolling Logs
Spring Boot Profile Components
- Introduction
- Multiple Properties
- YML File
- Command Line Runner Example
- Real time scenarios of components
Auto Configuration
- Introduction
- @Conditional Flow
- Customize conditional annotations
- Spring Boot built in conditional annotations
Thymleaf Concepts
- Introduction
- Example on Web Application
- Validatins on Web Applications
- Internalization i18n Concepts
Integration with Spring Web
- Using Spring Web MVC
- Using Spring Restful
- Need of embedded servers & customization
Spring Boot Security
- Basics
- Basic Authentication
- Form Based Authentication
- Authorization
- Role Based Access Control
- Attribute Based Access Control
- LDAP Based
- SSL Security
- TLS Security
Database Concepts
- Spring JDBC
- Database to CSV
- Spring Batch
- Flyway Database Migration
- Liquid Database Migration
- Flyway vs Liquid
- Hikari Connection Pool
Core Concepts
- Spring Boot AOP
- Spring Boot Cache
- Guava Cache integration
- Caffenine Cache
- EH Cache
- MultiResourceItemReader
- Spring MVC vs JAX-RS
- SprinBoot with Jersey
- Junit Integration
- Rest Integration Test Cases
Micro Services
- Micro Services Introduction
- Principle and Characteristics
- Use cases and Benefits
- Challenges
- Design standards
- Micro Services Communication
– Synchronous
– Asynchronous - Pitfalls
Micro Services Design Considerations
- Micro Services per JVM?
- Micro Services share the data stores?
- Micro Services Transaction boundaries
- User Interfaces integration with Micro Services
- Challenges in Micro Services implementation
Spring Cloud
- Introduction
- Cloud Architecture
- Cloud application benefits
Spring Cloud Config
- Introduction
- Setup version control repository
- Integration with repository
- Introduction
- Eureka Server & Eureka Client
- Feign Client
- Ribbon
Fault Tolerance Concepts
- Circuit Breaker Pattern
- Hystrics Concepts, Hystrix Dashboard
API Gateway
- Introduction to ZUUL
- Design standards
- Integration
Messaging Queue Concepts (CloudBus)
- Apache KAFKA
- RabbitMQ
Oatuh2 Concepts
- Client Types
- Protocol End Points
- Grant Types
- Implantation with Token Based
- JWT Tokens
Swagger API
- Introduction
- Integration
Cloud Hosting
- Pivotal Cloud Foundry Account Setup
- Hosting to Pivotal
- AWS Account Setup
- Hosting to AWS
- Enabling cloud features like load balancing, security